
Being welcomed into the neighbourhood by Yumi Sekemoto and Monika Morris.

Both Celine and her husband Elliot are sups. Celine, being a witch and well Elliot being a werewolf. Celine still hasn’t gotten use to the fact that Elliot can change into a “beast” and well needless to say, this is the result…

Apparently he has that effect on everyone. Their was some nosy paparazzi snooping around in the middle of the night and Elliot went and scared him nearly to death…

…although I don’t think he got the hint because he still didn’t leave and soon after Elliot went back to bed, Celine got up to give the guy a piece of her mind about snooping…

(A/N: I don’t actually think this has happened before…having someone sit on my porch and pull out their laptop, when I moused over him he didn’t have the paparazzi bit attached to his name anymore)

Goodbye to Elliot on his first day on his new job.

Shortly after Elliot leaves for work, Celine finds out she’s expecting their first child. Guess she’s not going to see her first day at her new job. She got a job at the bookstore, even though Elliot says she doesn’t have to work. He’d rather her stay home and have lots of kids. He may just get his wish at this rate.

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